Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ainsley!

Our sweet Ainsley is 2!  Hard to believe that 2 years have passed so quickly.  More on her birthday celebration later, but I thought I'd share a few things about our sweet girl.


For her birthday dinner (which was spaghetti - one of her favorites), we went around the table and shared a few of the things we love about Ainsley.  Here are a few of the highlights...

*Very affectionate and loves to give big hugs (and bury her arms and face into your chest - she gives great hugs!)
*Says "thanks" instead of "thank you" - sounds so grown up; it cracks us up!
*Loves to wrestle (from Clara)
*Her deep dark brown eyes - just like Daddy's
*She's a good dancer (from Clara)
*Talks with her hands - VERY dramatic :)
*Her beautiful brown curls (finally getting some hair!)
*She knows her ABC's (from Clara)
*Loves to pray and say "Amen"
*Swinging on the tire swing and playing on the playset together (from Clara)
*Prances when she walks
*Loves the word "so" and uses it often..."I'm so tired...I'm so precious...I'm so 2!"
*Is a Daddy's girl :)

We love you, sweet girl, and look forward to this next year with you! Our prayer for you...

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you 
will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  
Philippians 1:6

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. We love watching her talk with her WHOLE body. She's so cute when she's moving her hands and legs as she tries to get her words out. Sweet Ainsley!
