Thursday, February 10, 2011

Great news!!!

So...the biopsy results came back today and they were normal! What a huge answer to prayer!  When my phone rang this afternoon, I started shaking; I was just so nervous about the news I was about to hear.  As the PA shared the good news - ganglion cells on the biopsies - I immediately began to weep for joy.  There have been so many emotions over the last few weeks, and I am just so grateful to have received this precious news today! 

The last few days, we have been listening to our Seeds of Courage songs in the car as we travel about.  One of Clara and Ainsley's favorites is Isaiah 41:10...

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I love this verse, and I have experienced the truth of these words this week.  Although I have had moments of fear and anxiety, I have also felt peace and the upholding of the Lord in my weakness as well.  A reminder to me - I have no reason to fear...God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  We have also felt so much love from dear friends (as well as friends of friends of friends) who have loved us and prayed so fervently for Madeline this week.  Thank you, sweet friends and family, for loving us as you do!

As far as Madeline, we are just watching her for now, and she will follow up with the surgeon in 2 weeks for him to reassess her.  We are so grateful for our sweet baby girl, and especially grateful to the ever-present Father who gave her to us.


  1. Praise God! This made my day. Give that sweet girl some squeezes for us.

  2. I'm so, so, so glad to hear this great news! Praising God with you, friend!
