Well, last week, the letter of the week was "N" and in true Clara form, she did not disappoint. She quickly (on Monday afternoon) decided she wanted to bring a nudibranch to school - to which her dad said, "a what?"! She has a book on her VReader about ocean animals, and the nudibranch is one of her favorite animals in that book. So...after hunting for the perfect nudibranch on Google images, we found a good example and printed it for her to take to school. She proudly walked in with that picture on Thursday and was excited about showing the students. (I did give the teachers a little "heads up" with the nudibranch - not to insult their intelligence, but I was a biology major and didn't know what it was until 3 months ago!)
Interestingly enough, the funniest part of this story is that one of her friends, Brett, knew what it was and guessed it! Ha! Shows how smart these Pre-K students are...keeping me on my toes!
A what?! These kids come up with the darndest things...and I can't believe somebody guessed it!