Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Career Day

Last week, Clara had "Career Day" at preschool.  They were discussing community helpers at school, and each child was to pick a profession and bring a few items to help them describe what that worker did.  I immediately remembered several years ago (around age 2) that when you asked Clara what she wanted to be, she would say a doctor and a gaga mahmah (scary monster).  :)  Well, times have changed here.  She decided she wanted to be an artist!  She took a paintbrush with her and a canvas she had drawn.  When I asked her why she wanted to be an artist, she told me, "When I grow up, I want to make beautiful things - just like my Aunt Dawn"!   She had a great time at school that day, and even wore a dress that her Aunt Dawn has made for her.  Here's to a budding artist!

1 comment:

  1. That Clara is so thoughtful and talented! So sweet. Anna always says, "I just want to be me." Silly girl.
