Thursday, March 3, 2011

LaSonia, Lasagna

LaSonia is our favorite check-out clerk at Publix.  I am very loyal to Publix for my grocery shopping, and LaSonia is just one of the reasons for that.  She is incredibly friendly, always interacts with the girls, and when I was 9 months pregnant, continued to tell me how great I was looking - even when I wasn't!  Well, a few days ago, I was running errands with Clara, and Publix was our last stop.  As we checked out with LaSonia, Clara was giving her an earful about everything - school, Madeline, Ainsley's birthday party, etc.  When we got back to the car, here was our conversation...

Clara: She is really friendly, Mommy.
Me:  Yes, she is.
Clara: And her mommy is really smart.
Me:  Why do you say that?
Clara:  Because Lasagna is the perfect name if you work at the grocery store.

It had never occurred to me that LaSonia's name sounded like lasagna.  Leave it to a 4 year old!  As I tried several times to explain the difference in sound between the 2 names, I finally gave up.

Yes, her mommy must be really smart.  :)

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