Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friend Heart Love

So...there is a lot to catch up on from the last few weeks, but I will start with a few funny musings by Clara about her new baby sister....

First of all, it has been hilarious hearing Clara's input regarding baby girl's name.  She has gone through quite a few suggestions, but the name she has settled on is Friend Heart Love Farnell.  She thinks it is a really pretty name, and we could nickname her "Friendly".  We have no idea where this "crunchy granola" name came from, but she certainly loves it, and every time we talk about other names, she reminds us of her opinion.  Needless to say, a 3 year old little girl should NOT be able to name her little sister...and obviously the baby's name will not be Friend Heart Love!

Clara loves to feel the baby kick and has asked if that is how the baby will come out to meet us.  She says that when baby girl is big enough, she will be able to kick her way out, and until then, she has to stay in Mommy's tummy and grow.  We agree with her that this is exactly how baby girl will be born....:)

Clara is also on track to get me back into pre-baby shape.  She asks me several times per week when I will have a normal tummy again and when I will be able to wear "normal" clothes and a "normal" bathing suit!  She will certainly keep me on my toes once baby girl is born...

Ainsley, bless her heart, has no idea what is going on with the new baby, but she does realize that it is not as easy to sit in Mommy's lap to read anymore.  She quickly slides from my belly to my side and gets settled in with her books.  In the meantime, we have been working with her on using "gentle hands" and "loving" her baby dolls to prep her.  Hope it works!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness! I really like the name Clara's picked out. ;) It'll be cute to see if she really calls Baby Girl "Friendly" when she comes home.
