Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Clara is full of 3 year old "wisdom" and loves to humor me with her stories.  Her latest revelation came last night as were were picking up dinner at Panera.  As we were waiting in line, she discovered a penny on the ground.

Clara: "Mommy, who is this man on the penny?  Is it a picture of Jesus?"

Me: "No, honey, that is Abraham Lincoln.  He was one of our presidents."

Clara:  "Oh, I know all about him.  He was Jesus's friend."

Me:  "Well, that is a different Abraham, Clara.  Abraham is in the bible, but this is a different one."

Clara:  "No, mommy, I think you are thinking about Moses.  You know...the man who talked to the burning bush.  This is Abraham from the bible on this penny."

And after a brief pause...

Clara:  "Who decided to put Abraham on this penny?"

Me:  "Well, a long time ago, the government decided who would be on that penny."  (I was sure that she had no clue what that meant.)

Clara:  "If I had decided, I would have put Jesus on this penny and all the other money too.  I think that would be a good idea."

Me:  "Yes, that would be a good idea..."  :)

I love the thoughts of a 3 year old....

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