Wednesday, August 31, 2011

9 months

So, this post is a little late, but Miss Madeline has hit the 9 month mark!  She is so much fun right now...exploring everything, crawling everywhere, and full of smiles and laughs.  She is moving so quickly and is pulling up on anything taller than her.  She loves chasing the girls especially while they are pushing their strollers, and enjoys knocking down anything they build with legos or blocks.  Every toy must go immediately in the mouth, and we are still on the lookout for some teeth.  Her favorites right now are yogurt, any green baby food (loves her veggies!), baby puffs, and music - she sways to anything with a tune!  Oh, and little curls are popping up on the sides and back - yay for curly haired girls!

Sweet girl

Strolling like her sisters

I did it!  So proud!  :)

1 comment:

  1. She looks so grown up! I can't believe how big she is getting. Sweet girl.
