Ainsley's new favorite book to read at bedtime is "Soon, Baboon, Soon". It is a really fun book about a group of primates - monkeys, lemurs, gorillas, etc - getting ready for a percussion concert. The baboon plays the triangle, and he has to wait for everyone else to take a turn before he plays his part. Ainsley loves when it is his turn to "ting" and just laughs and laughs when he plays his part.
However, I didn't realize how well she was understanding all of the fun lingo in the book until last night. As I was putting her to bed, I asked if she wanted a song. She said that she wanted "Jesus Loves Me" and then proceeded to tell me, "Hit it, baboon....hit it, baboon mommy!". She then started cracking up! So...funny girl now knows that is the way to get the music started..."Hit it, baboon!"